

現年僅10歲的德韓混血兒Ella Gross,因為精緻而超齡的長相成為時尚童模,個人IG也有超過320萬追蹤,去年更成為YG旗下品牌The Black Label藝人之一,然而近期Ella替知名冰淇淋品牌拍攝廣告,竟被外界解讀成帶有「性暗示」,讓廣告被迫下架,但有更多粉絲出面護航認為廣告根本沒有任何不雅訊號。

圖片來源/Ella Gross IG

年僅10歲的德韓混血童模Ella Gross,近期接下知名冰淇淋品牌「Baskin Robbins」的廣告。廣告中,Ella的造型包括洋裝和妝容都以粉紅色為基調,充分呼應此次代言的草莓口味,從中也有多個Ella舔冰淇淋或是嘴含湯匙的畫面,多幕近拍Ella挑眉、眨眼的畫面,舉手投足間展現出超齡的魅力。








I wanted to take a moment to address the reaction that Ella received to a recent project that she worked on with Baskin Robbins Korea. I’m saddened to see how certain segments of the Korean public reacted to this commercial. What was honestly meant to be a fun commercial for a new ice cream flavor is being perceived by them as something disgusting and horrific. As most women, I have many roles in my life. However, I am first and foremost a mother, a title in which I take great pride and value above anything else. Ella is my daughter who I would gladly give my life for. It pains me that people have lashed out in such a careless and combative way. Ella continues to grow up with strong faith in God and I pray she will be a role model for other girls. What matters most is how you are on the inside. Ella is a beautiful soul because she truly does not have any bad intentions. She is one of the most hard working, strongest, sweetest, down to earth girls you will ever meet. She is intelligent, she is humble, and she really is a great girl. To those that are rallying against the Baskin Robbins commercial, stop saying that you are doing this “for Ella.” She is surrounded and loved by many strong and powerful women who wholeheartedly have her best interests at heart and who are confused and angered by your hurtful and negative reactions to a beautiful child. To Ella’s fans, her friends and family that pour love onto our sweet girl, I truly want to say Thank You from the bottom of my heart. I have realized how a few words of kindness really mean more than a thousand words of hate. I am so thankful for you all! ~Ella’s Mom

Ella G. ?(@ellagross)分享的貼文 於 張貼






混血蘿莉簽YG成「GD」師妹!全家曝光顏值爆表 網呼:太不公平!

偶像「養成計畫」?這些「兒童模特兒」顏值爆表 網友暴動:長大無可限量阿!

宋慧喬翻版9歲小羅莉 私照霸屏IG。網友熱搜起底:這神基因太逆天!
